This client is designed to access images from AJ Hurst's formidable database of train-related pictures. Images will be displayed on demand in your default browser. Owing to technical constraints, images will remain open in the browser until you manually close the tab. Images will be displayed for a base level of time (default 10 seconds), then for a further time between 0 and 10 seconds, equal to the score squared divided by 10. A reference table for display times is available for reference at the end of this manual.
Command | Name | Explanation |
h [n] | history | Displays the last n commands in the terminal (command only). If n is not specified, it is assumed to be 10. |
d [n] | display | Displays image n. If n is not specified, it will display the last viewed image (persistent across sessions). |
s | get score | Displays the score for the current image. |
s 0-10 | score | Sends a message to the server to score the current image from 0-10. |
p | previous | Displays the image before the current image (if viewing image 1, wraps around to the final image). |
n | next | Displays the image after the current image (if viewing the final image, wraps around to image 1). |
t [n] | time | Changes the base time for which an image is displayed before the next image is loaded to n seconds. If n is not specified, pauses or starts scrolling. |
q | quit | Closes the program. Saves the history and most recent image viewed to 'history.txt' in the working directory. |
man | manual | Displays this manual. |
help | help | Displays this list of commands in the terminal. |
Score | Display Time (- Base Time) |
0 | 0 seconds |
1 | 0.1 seconds |
2 | 0.4 seconds |
3 | 0.9 seconds |
4 | 1.6 seconds |
5 | 2.5 seconds |
6 | 3.6 seconds |
7 | 4.9 seconds |
8 | 6.4 seconds |
9 | 8.1 seconds |
10 | 10 seconds |